Picking up pecans, if you need them picked up call 817-877-6463

2 wood frame rabbit cages with metal roofs, FREE, you have to load them. One is 2 compartments and one is 3 compartments. 4 two month old pearl guineas $5/piece. 433-1733

Yard plants, honeysuckle-red, red perineal plant. 629-8884

L/F windshield for 2002 Dodge Stratus. 595-0591

2005 Chevy cavalier, needs a head gasket. 488-8839

97 chevy pickup being parted out, still some good parts on it, motor, tranny, transfer case and rear end in good shape, doors. L/F boat trailer. 488-1467

L/F helper for housework, paying gig. 306 W 11th in Cisco.

50 gallon fish aquarium with gravel and two pumps. 10 gallon fish aquarium. Pair of crutches, $10. 488-8007

*Fender telecaster, $400 with the case. Fender strat, $350. Both made in Mexico. Other musical instruments. 631-6472