Unit that came out of a malt shop, all containers where you put the chocolate and stuff for milkshakes, no motor, 8 dispensers, but will need a motor, in Moran, everything in good shape. Heavy piece. 325-762-0226

2 inch water pump. Headache rack for the truck. 442-3255, leave a message if no answer.

L/F someone that is milking a cow or goat that she can buy fresh milk from. 629-8950

L/F goats. 893-2679

*2 Craftsman roll away tool boxes, with tools in them, $350 and $300. 4 blue araconda roosters, $5/piece. 559-0180

In desperate need of a washer, with our without the dryer. 488-8028

Old tom’s candy jar. Antique coffee grinder. Lots of misc. items. Lots of antique glassware. Antique stove, very small. 306 W. 11th in Cisco.

24- 1964 half dollars, 96% silver, uncirculated, $10/piece. Craftsman wood cleaner, $50. Delta band saw, bench top, no blade, $25. 433-0261

L/F good, used diesel pickup. 210-1624

Pyrenees guard pups, 10 weeks old this Friday, 5 males, 2 females, $100/piece, will trade for coastal horse hay. 631-8576

**Garage Sale, Friday and Saturday, 1110 S Seaman, Eastland texas, starts at 8, no early birds

**Garage sale 720 CR 471 in Ranger, Friday Saturday and Sunday, toys bedding, vehicles, horses, décor, lots of great stuff.

**Moving Sale on Saturday, 8-3, household items, microwave, couch, recliner, chest of drawers, desk and chairs, pots and pans and dishes. 501 Cherry Street in Ranger.