19ft deck boat, kohler boat engines, riding mower, house in Gorman 254-734-5660

14ft stock trailer 98’ model with new spare $1500, 2007 husky riding lawnmower $200      254-629-2339

L/F 4-door car for high school kid, 2700 254-559-5766 or 266-9105

Riding mower/ like new $500, washer/dryer set 30 week warranty $160 254-433-3164

Small Tv, John Wayne/Shrimp Boat Framed Pictures, Cabinets, Stereo System, dining room table 254-488-1402 7902 hwy 6

Used Commercial Deep Fryer 375 obo Ann Williams 254-442-1933

2 Riding Lawnmowers need light work, Kenmore heavy duty dishwasher 150, Ricoh sp4100dn printer 200 obo. 254-210-2296

F/S 8×15 storage shed 1500 488-2590

Canoe boat. Stihl weedeater. Fuel tank. 433-1875

Truck tires. Dining Table. Dryer. 433-3858 or 442-4497

L/F old fashioned washing machine, with knobs-no computer board in it. 629-0429

**700 Foch St in Ranger Saturday 8AM. New beginners drum set with case. Books and extra sticks with it. Lots of eastland maverick t shirts, jewelery, stadium bells. Clothes, some name brand and new. Shoes, purses, books, phone cases, games, willowtree figurines. GI Joes, hats, college course books and lots of miscellaneous items. Everything priced to sell!