Dish tailgater you must have dish it’s a one-way ploy one row ploy a Hollywood frame 254-433-1430
***Brown eggs for sale red poets 254-271-9971
***someone has a Large air compressor $650 comes on trailer also has a 50 in 0 trun mower $1650 254-243-0831
***Looking for disposable bed pads 254-433-9065
*** Looking for a trailer size 4 by 8 for a lawn mower 246-9105
Someone Has a tiller for sale call them for more information 254-629-8259
Looking for junk metal and cars and trucks to haul off 254-433-0157
Has a chest freezer for sale 254-210-2543
Someone has a iron bed frame on rollers 254-629-3909
***A left recliner for sale $40.00 254-631-8035