*Riding lawnmower, $600, in good condition, runs good. Does yard work for cheap. 442-2363
Lots of inventory for someone with a store or booth, will let it all go for cheap. 1108 desdemona blvd in ranger. 940-389-7240
Wood for giveaway, quite a bit. 103 E Williams. 488-9066
Large round bales of coastal hay, good quality hay. 8 n ford tractor with a 5 foot shredder that is in mint shape. 442-3255, leave a message if no answer.
1994 GMC suburban, needs front end assembly grill and radiator, very clean $1750. 50 gallon electric hot water heater $150. 488-0082
Playstation 2 with a bunch of games, $75, in good condition. L/F yards to mow, will do it for $25. 433-0752
1 English bulldog puppy, full blood, akc papered, serious inquiries only please. 325-370-5770
Horton crossbow for sale, bows to go with it. Bannom coachen roosters for sale. 210-1408
91 Ford F150 king cab, half ton pickup, new hydraulic clutch and muffler, strong motor. 14 foot Lowe’s boat and trailer, evinrude motor, good tires. 488-1700
L/F Pomeranian or shitzu preferably a female. 325-200-5007
18 foot round, 4 feet deep pool still in the box, brand new. 987-0671
L/F cane and a set of swings. 903-975-0818
**Indoor sale, beautiful vintage jewelry, dolls, a little bit of everything, run it all week. 1108 desdemona blvd in ranger, over by the college. 940-389-7240