Boat gas tanks, 6.5 gallon to 20+. 3 Motorcross tires, $25 each (20 3.25 by 21). 2 rear tires like new. Jeep rear bumper with storage inside, $100. Mopar dodge receiver hitch, new and fits several years around 2001. New Lexan Aquarium with the stand and outside filters $100. Scuba gear-wet suits, dry suits, fins, mask and snorkel, lots of gear. Email
*Nice salad bar. Stove. Dishwasher. Old plows. Lots of Louise Lamore books. Items in Ranger. 806-317-6021
Very nice desk for sale. 629-3251
*2 riding mowers. Rear tine tiller. DR trimmer. Youth saddle, bridle and blanket. Adult saddle. 5×10 panel. 243-0831
*Nice 3 piece desk, free. Pac n play, $15. 210-2543
15 five week old chicks, $4/piece or $30 for all of them, mostly pullets. 334-8473
Refrigerator to haul off 307 Lackland in Eastland. 629-8230
*Female Pyrenees dog for sale, $100, 4 years old, very good with sheep and goats. 488-0293
*Tuscan style dining table, comes with 6 chairs and 2 leaves to extend it to 8 feet. 4 foot banquet table. 817-773-7737