2 towers for storage, computer, with shelves, 6 feet tall, adjustable shelves for top and bottom,$50/each or both for $75, secret drawer in them, will need a pickup and muscles to get them. Roll top desk, $25. Singer sewing machine, in the wooden cabinet, has leg control or foot pedal, everything original on it, needs a little bit of work, comes with seat with cushion. 647-1270, call after lunchtime.
*Small cement mixer, electric. 4 bay tilt trailer, good tires on it and a spare tire with it. 214-499-7906
L/F 3 to 4 bedroom house for rent in Eastland. Call Mary at 903-975-3770
Complete queen size bed set, in very good shape, $350 obo. 488-0032
Two 100 lbs of welding rods, 80-10’s. Live trap. Commercial size bbq pit, needs to be mounted on a trailer, huge! 210-1273
18ft Gooseneck, 26ft medium box style with winch hole in tool box, firewood for sale L/F hens and roosters, chainsaw. Firewood for sale. 433-9636
Generation 3, self propelled Kirby vacuum cleaner, does have carpet shampoo system with it. Treadle sewing machine. 10 inch craftsman radial arm saw. 647-5296. 918 Young street in Ranger.
10,000 btu ac window unit. 433-1104
*6×10 tilt trailer needs a floor. 2 wave runners on the trailer. 100 gallon fish aquarium. 629-8259
Moveable steel stairway, $30. Dining table with 6 chairs for $75. FREE sectional sofa, 2 pieces, must pick up and load-212 W. 8th in Cisco. 631-1811
**Garage Sale 432 Bobo St., trailer 3 in Ranger Friday, Saturday, and Sunday Furniture, Clothes, Shoes 647-1398