Laying hens for sale, located around Gorman, 12 or so, $6/each. 325-575-3343

L/f part time housekeeper. 210-1357

6 panel wood doors, 24 and 32 inches, several available. 325-665-9323

*10 foot ¾” PVC water pipe for sale. Black refrigerator. 433-2943

L/F small table with 4 chairs. 271-9304

16” circly Y ranch roper saddle in great condition, $1200. Outwest Trading Post.

**Yard sale thru the weekend, 1115 Harrell in Cisco.

**2 family sale, back of 101 Lens Street in Eastland, Friday 8-5 and Saturday 8-1. Leather double loveseat recliner, 2 gas heaters, window a/c unit, 3 drawer filing cabinet, lots of miscellaneous items.