35 roosters for sale. Domineckers and white leggings. 442-3530 or 631-2301

L/F house to rent 2 or 3 bedroom, in cisco or eastland area. 577-0912

Ford tractor $1300. Nine N, 3 speed transmission, good tires, runs good, smokes a little bit but still runs good. 46 model. 488-1884

 Set of living room suit couches for sale, leather. 488-0415, leave a message or text.

*8 door cokebox, does work, $200 obo. 488-1819

Twin size metal bed frame and springs. $20. 442-3248

Glass top stove in very good condition. Frigidaire made in 2010. $200. 442-1623

 *L/F someone to set two 25 foot telephone poles in cisco. Holes already dug. Paying cash. 488-1056

L/F someone to help with yard work, needs mowing-requires a push mower. 433-0936