King size bed frame with matching head and foot board, matching bedside tables, $100 for all. Johnson Javelin outboard motor, needs pump, $100. Trolling motor, $50. 325-269-9050

Couple of chainsaws. Dresser and chest of drawers. 2 rifle scopes. Chainsaws.  334-4220

*John deere 466 hay baler with the wrap. Vermeer 8 wheel hay rake. 5 foot shredder. In Cisco. 817-925-4656

*2002 Oldsmobile Alero, $2200, car is loaded, electric seats, very cold air, red in color. 893-2679

2 lift chairs, in excellent condition. Semi automatic hospital bed. 488-1355

*1999 Triton bass boat, 150 horse Johnson motor, in good condition, $3500. 433-2299

Looking for an Xbox 360. 653-2338

*Greenly job box 24x24x48, $100. Trac lighting, $20. Hot tub cover, storage kept, $30. 90 model Cadillac deville, rough inside and out, does run, $300. 488-1819

Sweet ripened canteloupes. $3/each. Watermelons too. Will be bringing to Eastland in the morning. 734-5273

Xbox 1, 500 gig, comes in a bundle. 325-307-9193

5 baby kittens for giveaway, eating and drinking. 334-8473

*4 young boer billy goats, couple are twins, other two have different moms, all have the same dad. 210-1510

*Set of turbo star tires, 235 70 r16’s, brand new, $300, caps and everything with them. 832-288-6477 or 205 E. 15th in Cisco.

*Everything is free. Printer/fax. Chairs. Lots of garage sale leftovers. Christmas tree with lights. 647-3512 or 433-9929

L/F Craftsman riding mower, does not have to run. L/F automatic transmission for 85 chevy pickup. 433-0157

Good working tv for giveaway.

Reduced ford f150 is now $1500, does need some minor repairs. 893-2679

RCA double door fridge. 433-9303