Husquevarna chainsaw 445 with 18 inch bar 488-1402

 1999 Buick park avenue altra, runs. 30 gallon propane tank. 325-669-1861

L/F old bicycles, don’t have to have tires, do need wheels, don’t want them in good shape. 488-2170

 Plant cuttings for giveaway night blooming cyrrus and redbird, are houseplants. 488-2170

 Peanuts for sale, 5 10 pounds bags and larger, runner and Spanish peanuts. 734-5273

 3 bedroom 2 bath brick home at lake leon for sale. Central heat and air, dock, on the water. 629-3322

 L/F side steps for a 4 door 08 GMC Sierra. 325-829-4824

 Vinyl bed Cover for pickup chevy 04-08.  325-518-8792

 9 drawer dresser in good shape $40. 433-3858

 Antique chandeliers and light fixtures. 631-1824

 Weenie dog puppies, 2 girls rest are boys. Born oct 21st, asking a reasonable price. 325-201-8432

 Tamales!!!! 631-8873

  ***Garage Sales:

 Friday and Saturday at 712 walnut in Ranger. 3 family. Tools, lots of odds and ends

 Sale Saturday the 13th, on Hwy 36 between Cross Plains and Rising Star, look for the SIGN. Chest of drawers, w/mirror and without, electric beds, antique display case (1868) 8 feet long, lamps, cast iron, hoyer lift with the sling, many miscellaneous items. Everything must go!!!  559-4539