16 and 17 inch tires for sale. 488-1177
11 Makita puppies in Cisco, weaning age, half and half boys and girls, 1109 W 9th in Cisco. $50/puppy
Flip phone by tracphone with the charger, $15. 10,000 btu air conditioner that blows good and cold air, $40. 488-8007
L/F a portable scanner antenna. L/F car antenna with the wire and all. 210-1797
5th wheel needs to be moved from chock a block to solid rock, about 8 miles, will pay. 243-0754
Trumpet, coronet and a saxophone for sale. 595-0591
Tires for sale, 3-on the rim, but do have 4 rims. L/F bumper and a grill for a 97 chevy pickup. 488-1467
Big, juicy watermelons, bringing a load to Eastland after lunch, will be set up at Ken’s. 734-5273
1. 200 CR 124 Cisco, TX
First CR after RAM, Inc. on the right.
Clothes, movies, household items, furniture,
BBQ pit.
2. 309 Conrad Hilton Blvd. Cisco, TX
CEDC Pavilion
Downsize sale- coffee tables, small fridge,
jewelry, some books, .25 items.
3. 600 Ave. C Cisco, TX
Friday and Saturday
Odds and ends of all kinds
4. 1010 E. 10th St. Cisco, TX
Friday 12-? Saturday 8:00am-2:00pm
Multiple Household Sale: some furniture,
few tools, books, baby-adult clothes, toys,
rims photography equipment, kitchen items,
household items, and much more
5. 1213 E. 14th St. Cisco, TX
Furniture, clothes- women’s, booths, shoes,
6. 400 W. 7th St. Cisco, TX
Formerly Hodge Podge resale Shoppe:
Closing out all merchandise. Furniture,
displays some of everything old, new,
antiques. Vintage clothes. Box Sale! Whole
boxed filled and all much go. New
7. 215 W. 8th St. Cisco, TX
Tables, chairs, household items, dishes, nice
glass ware.
8.105 W. 8th St. Cisco, TX
Furniture, and misc items.
9. 800 Conrad Hilton Blvd.
Cute as a Button! Antiques, collectibles,
vintage items, handmade gifts, books
furniture, crocheted items.
10. 1211 Harrell Ave. Cisco, TX
Blankets, avon bottles, men’s dress jeans,
Christmas lights, Christmas tree with lights,
angels-2, other decorations, western boots,
lots of misc.
11. 408 W. 8th St. Cisco, TX
8:00am-all day
Moving sale, furniture, dishes, misc.
12. 1102 E. 16th St. Cisco, TX
Power tools, toys, furniture, clothes,
13. 501 Pershing Cisco, TX
Desk, table, and misc. clothing, HD
Motorcycle and accessories.
14. 1207 Park Drive Cisco, TX
Legal filing cabinet, tools, field post,
pedestal sink, oak buffet, a lot of misc.
15. 1404 Bliss St. Cisco, TX
Lots of clothing, house ware, laminate
flooring, other surprises. Everything .25
unless marked otherwise!
16. 1300 Ave. H Cisco, TX
China hutch, porcelain dolls, china, large
amount of jewelry, glassware, movies, VHS
& DVD, Misc. items
17. 1415 Bullard Ave. Cisco, TX
18. 1409 Simms Cisco, TX
Prices reduce greatly after 1:00pm. Moving
sale: small tiller, desk, office chairs, bunk
beds, water cooler, Star Wars collectibles,
dishes, clothes, new home sewing machine
in cabinet, baby furniture, and accessories,
toys, Christmas décor, books, a lot of misc.
19.1300 Ave. M Cisco, TX
Furniture, clothes, computers, nick-knacks,
dishes, etc.
20. 1705 Ave. E Cisco, TX
A lot of everything!
21. 1110 W. 14th Cisco, TX
Pots & pans, girls clothes, fabric.
22. 901 W. 16th St. Cisco, TX
Multi-family. Electric hospital bed and lift
chair. Men, women, and toddler girl
clothing, home décor exercise bike, TV,
washer and dryer, misc. tools, push mower,
riding mower, tires, dresser, and BBQ grill.
23. 605 W. 17th St. Cisco, TX
Home décor.
**Northside church fundraiser garage sale in De Leon Thursday, Friday and Saturday, office equipment, desks and shelving, lots of stuff.
**RUN FOR THE SON Eastland CMA Chapter Garage Sale 215 S Walnut Eastland TX Friday Sept 18 7am -5:30 pm Saturday Sept 19 7am –Noon Large Variety of items come see us!
**Multi family garage sale, FM 566, first road south of lake leon dam, lots of signs out, lots of stuff, furniture. Til 6 on Friday and 8-2 on Saturday.
**600 avenue C in Cisco, Northside Baptist church Friday and Saturday, lots of cute stuff