FRIDAY 10-24-14
Kenmore washer and dryer for sale about 4 years old in good condition $125. Free loveseat on front porch 1403 Conrad Hilton in Cisco
3 brand new extra large men’s halloween costumes for sale. 433-1838
Ceramic bowls, lots of them. 442-3546
Incline bench and exercise ball for sale $60-both in great condition. Gold Gym brand 210-1384
*Yard sale in back of house at 233 CR 541 -6 drawer dresser. 647-3512
Dryer for sale. About a year and a half old. Barely used and still under warranty. $150 631-3828 or 631-0725
Mature individual looking for employment. Experience in home construction and remodeling, auto repair as well as machine shop work. 940-329-0536
l/f rabbit hutches 210-1510. Can send pics to that number.
Fresh black eyed peas by the bushel or pound in Desdemona. Can bring to eastland sat afternoon 734-5273