*Black refrigerator, regular, works good, $50. Golf clubs, old, 2 old golf bags, some newer wedges, $20 for all. Toaster oven, brand new, countertop oven, black and decker, $20. 488-1464

*Commercial salad bar, refrigerated, very nice. Nice dishwasher. Sound bar. Electric cookstove, not so nice but it works, $30. Food cart. Couple of plows. 511 E. Loop 254 in Ranger, Friday and Saturday. 806-317-6021

Westin step up rails for 4 door Dodge pickup. 4 wheeler, standard size, gasoline. L/F ween size kittens. 433-1430

FREE oak firewood. 629-8912

GE Electric oven. Upright freezer. 488-2590

2 donkeys for giveaway, both jenny’s, around 3-5 years old, one is brown, other is white with grey patches, will need to bring trailer and pick up. 647-5236

Firewood for sale. 631-1785

L/F scrap metal to haul off. 42 inch cut John Deere riding mower, pics upon request. 433-0157

Looking to do babysitting in home. 647-5279

**Yard sale, 901 W. 16th in Cisco, Thursday and Friday, baby items-boys and girls, baby bed, dear borne heater, electric oven, lots more.