*House for sale, 3 bedroom could be 4, 2 bath house, 4 lots. Chicken coop. Chickens. Ducks. Turkins. Craftsman table saw, heavy cast frame. 488-8839

L/F electric range. 629-8259

L/F someone to help keep house, pays. 306 W. 11th in Cisco.

*Old time coffee grinder. Remote control car. 306 W. 11th in Cisco

*Operation Christmas Child at FBC this week until 5, Saturday 9-2 and Sunday 2-5. Shoeboxes. 629-3355 or stop by front lobby of FBC in Eastland.

L/F good, used tin, or new. 485-1884

*19 foot deck boat, v6 chevy engine, runs good, nice paint and interior, $3K. 1986 Suzuki Madera 1200 cc motorcycle, $1200. 734-5039

1978 yamaha bike. 2000 model gmc safari van, all 4 wheel drive. 334-9467

**Garage sale Saturday and Sunday 9-3. 233 CR 541 Lake Leon. Baby clothes, toys, fencing gauges.

**Garage sale Wednesday and Thursday, 710 S. Ammerman in Eastland, beginning at 8am, small kitchen appliances, electronics, sleeping bags, 5 foot farm shredder, turkey fryer, other misc. garage sale items.

**Yard sale, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 706 Travis street in Ranger.