F/S 91’ Ford F150 King Cab, 209 E. Main 488.1700
Free 2 hot water heaters, 301 E. Main in Ranger
FlipFone $15 488.8007
F/S 50 acres past Eastland Lake County road 156, stock tank, fence, will possibly divide, 488.1649.
F/S Texas-grown alfalfa hay, fertilized, irrigated. Also, costal hay. Also, small square bales. 442.3255.
F/S 2 go-carts, like new. 433.3858
F/S pick-up bed from 81’ step-side 817.925.4656
F/S two large 250 gallon propane tanks. 631.8800
F/S 2 wave runners on trailer. 629.8259.
F/S 4 27555 tires. $100 OBO, small generator $50. 433.1104.
F/S CB radio $50, suitcase $5, bracelets $5, Code Free test strips $8, key chains .50, and many other items. 433.1149.
FREE trampoline to anyone with a truck to pick it up. Between Cisco and Eastland—call for directions. 629.8447.
F/S heavy duty metal wire dog pen, 629.1991.
F/S set of 22” tires and wheels 325.642.2907
F/S miniature donkeys, 1 paint female $250, 2 paint males, 1 solid male. $100 ea. 631.1252.
*Garage Sale 702 W. Main in Eastland, Friday & Saturday 7:30 till dark. 210.1273.
*505 E. 10th in Cisco…….HUGE sale!!! Inside….334-9467
**Multi-family yard sale all week long, 10am till dark everyday @ 230 old highway 80 in Olden.