*6 string banjo. 50 Gibson lap steel. Found a batting practice pitch machine, if you can describe it, you can have it back. 631-6472
*Set of 275 55 R20 inch tires off a 2018 Chevy. Set of 195 75 R14 inch tires. 250 gallon steel tank on skids, would make a great BBQ pit, $100. Fresno for a 3 point hookup. 629-8259
*Built God Tough Roughstock Bullriding Series, Saturday at Leon River Cowboy Church @ 7pm, Sunday at Double N Cowboy Church @2pm, Multiple divisions for all ages, Free admission.
L/F electric stove, in working condition. L/F washing machine. 442-2363
Watermelons and cantaloupes coming to Eastland today, get your order in. 734-5273
*L/F scrap metal to haul off, also L/F junk cars and trucks to haul off. 433-0157