94 Ford F150 extended cab, $1K. 735-7077
1 bedroom, 1 bath house for rent in Eastland, fully furnished. 631-4288
2004 Chevy 4 door, needs relay, but runs good, $900. 334-4438
L/F scrap metal to haul off and yards to mow. 433-0157
L/F lift chair. 595-0591 or 631-8657
2007 Ford F250 Lariat pickup, leather seats, 6.0 diesel, in excellent condition. 432-638-3275
L/F junk iron to haul off. 325-794-6245
*Folding metal picnic table, $20. 2004 Gibson ES 335 studio guitar with case, comes with paperwork, $1200 obo. 631-6472
L/f egg incubators. 334-8829
*Electric skillet. Duffle bag, heavy duty like new. Coleman air mattress and pump. 430-775-9693
*Nitro bass boat, needs some work, does need motor, brand new trolling motor, new tires on trailer, 18 footer, 93 model. Baby ball pythons. 350 gallon completely loaded fish aquarium with fish, freshwater. 433-3164
Game chickens, 5 months old, 2 roosters, 3 hens FREE, located in Ranger, ask for Glen. 256-309-7497
*15 inch tires. Stihl primer paint, Sherwin Williams. TV amplifier, $75 obo. Keyboard. Push mower, needs some work. 488-1819
Charro saddle. 832-857-9119
Clean 5 gallon buckets with lids, $3/each. 214-499-7906
**1610 N. 183 in Breck, Saturday, tools, tool boxes, odd ends, collectibles, 21 hens, rooster, mixed chickens. 559-8011