F/S 3 500 gallon fuel tanks, oilfield construction pipe, price negotiable 433.1104
Happy Birthday Henry Webb!!
F/S mower trailer $250 obo, Kenmore refrigerator $125 obo, stove $125 obo, brass and glass chandelier $20, baby changing table $15, wooden entertainment center w/ TV and remote $25 735.7006
F/S Oak firewood half cord $80, full cord $160 433.0058
F/S Husky pressure washer, $250 433.9611
L/F rent home 325.370.5770
Happy Birthday to Selena Stevens!!
F/S 2002 Chevy extended cab $5500 OBO 629.8044
F/S Game station, w over 27 433.0752 $150
F/S 97 Ford Ranger extended cab, 5 speed, 4 cylindar $1250 210.1436
F/S Cord Mesquite wood $125 361.806.3767
F/S Farm equipment 433.1730
Oval hand painted Alamo picture 1916, antique cash register, floor jack 442.2265
Several cats and kittens FREE, dvd storage cabinet $5, curio cabinet $35 629.8004
25 inch TV (not flat screen) $25, kids books/CD’s/computer games $35 433.3661
F/S Mesquite firewood, water containers 325 gallons 631.1785
F/S mini dvd movies /$4 each, sony mini cassette recorder $125 433.1391
F/S Guitars Gibson $800, Mesa $550, and others 631.6472