*L/F junk iron to haul off. 5×8 trailer, $175. 325-794-6245

*2005 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer edition, white in color, $3000 obo, runs good but needs a new battery. Text or call. 325-338-5003

*L/F rabbits, 3 does and 1 buck, New Zealand or Californian variants, buck must be different lineage than the does, no siblings for breeding purposes. 512-563-0390

Good cordless drill with 4 batteries and a charger, asking $50 obo. Call or text. 210-2543

Wire cages for small animals. 433-9645

*Hospital bed, $100, works great. BBQ smoker, $30. 488-2242

L/F someone in Eastland county that can recover a motorcycle seat with leather. Ask for James. 639-3456