94 ford mini-van $500 obo…433.0752 and lawnmower trailer 433.1608 $600

L/F queen size or full size bed 987.9631 in Ranger

For sale 4-bedroom home in Eastland…motorhome, best offer…fishing boat/trailer, best offer, 2 farm tractors 631.2981

L/F small acerage home in Cisco, Putnam, Moran area 325.214.0833

L/F medium size, large size pet carrier 433.2800

Happy bday Maria Delatorre

TV $80, 595.1793

Happy bday Stanley Reed

Cattle Trailer for sale in Olden $600 488.2170

Black roper boots 9D and aluminum walker…both for $20 488.8007

Baby chicks F/S 19 in each bunch…also pecans 433.1733

Happy Pete Perez!

Pool table 647.3512

F/S Tx grown alfalfa hay in small squares…round bales of coastal hay 442.3255

Ramco industrial metal band-saw $250, 488.0079

L/F electric dryer 433.1730

Foosball table in good shape, $50, 433.1242

7.3 acres on Eastland Lake, highway frontage, 1 mile from Lakeside Country Club, 631.6087

F/S AT&T Motorola Atrix $100, espresso/cappuccino machine $350, 2003 Nissan $9000, 433.2968

Mature individual seeking employment, home construction, remodeling, repair, 940.329.0536

2 pair of nice western boots, both 101/2 D, Justin black, Nocona brown $60 each 647.1283

Diabetic testing supplies, c-pap….488.1467

F/S Medium sized freezer 433.1937, $150

Used wheel-chair, 488.2590

L/F wind shield 98 Chevrolet pickup 488.1467

F/SLoveseat 488.2044

F/S fresh shelled pecans $8 per pound, 433.3681