*Portable gas Lincoln welder/generator Power Arc-5500. Asking $1000. Call after 5 pm. 631-7901
Looking to buy washing machine. 647-3424. Leave a message.
Portable dishwasher and some barstools for sale. 325-660-5715
*Hunting gear. L/F 4 wheeler. 631-9588 or 805 W 7th in cisco
Shelled pecans, nice, came from Womack nursery. $7/lb. 433-1733
20 foot cattle trailer, bumper pool, double axle. $800. 629-8259, leave a message.
6 boxes of books, mid elementary reading level, animal related. Computer games, older. Kids CD’s. $30 for all of it. 25 inch tv not a flat screen but does work. $10. 433-3661
One touch ultra diabetic test strips, never been opened, 50 per box, $35 each. Adult pull ups, 12 cases, never opened, $30/case-very good discount. 817-694-2576 in the Weatherford area.
Discounted peanut hay in square bales with all the peanuts in it, good quality feed. 734-5273
L/F 4 antique homemade quilts, wants them old and in good condition. 433-2962
Kirby generation 3 self propelled vacuum cleaner with attachments, guaranteed. Treadle sewing machine. Portable sewing machines also. 647-5296
*Small washing machine $45. 433-9929
*Small refrigerator in good condition. 488-1239
Oak dining room table with 6 chairs, in good condition, has pedestal base, and big leaf to insert and has been used very little. $150. 629-2984