Galvanized gates like chain link fence for sale. Two by fours, 12 or 14 foot long, in good shape. 306 W 11th in cisco.
2004 chevy Silverado pickup for sale. V6 motor, good motor but needs a rear end. $1500. 488-1701
Peanut hay, square bales with all the peanuts in it, $8/bale, great feed. 734-5273
Chainsaw for sale. Husquevarna, 18 inch bar, 445. $400 obo. 488-1402
95 mustang that’s been almost completely redone, new paint, automatic, looking to trade for a nice truck. $4500 obo. 433-3164
Small fridge for sale $30. 488-1239
Side by side refrigerator for sale, 25 cubic feet, very clean. L/F used gas stove. 3 wheel walker for sale. 629-2190 or 631-5936