2006 Honda Pilot for sale, in good condition, all leather. 631-1128
4.5 foot tiller, 3 point hookup, for sale or trade. 629-8259
Heavy duty, nice wooden free-standing bar, has wine rack in it, comes with 2 wooden stools, $100 for all. K Tone hollow body electric guitar, $200, comes with gig bag, guitar stand and small amp. 488-0139
L/F small 1 bedroom home or an acre of land. 334-8049
L/F older, electric typewrite in working condition. 488-0139
3 packages of salties. 325-455-4008
L/F filing cabinet, can only be 20 inches deep, but would like it tall. L/F windows, new or used in good condition, white in color and about 30 inches wide, not over 52 inches tall. 325-665-9323
4 month old female shitzu for giveaway, comes with bed, pee pads and food. 488-8066