L/F working fridge. 631-1533, leave a message.
Charro Saddle 832-857-9119
L/F enclosed cargo trailer, will be using it for storage. L/F nanny goats. 893-2679
Ashley living room set, couch and loveseat. Dining room set, oak with pedestal table with 6 chairs. Works chainsaw. Works leaf blower, both electric and only used a couple of times. Set of 16 inch aluminum tire rims. In Cisco. 735-7045
**Big Garage Sale 1610 Hwy 183 in Breck, starts at 8am Friday morning.
**Book of Acts Church of Brownwood benefit garage sale, Saturday 8AM.
**Moving sale-301 S. Dixie in EAstland, Saturday, 7-1, lots of Christmas decorations, other home décor, toys and lots more.