Category Archives: Bargain Box


Looking for tires 254-210-2543 

Ladder, wheelbarrow and a nail gun for sale 254-264-5438 

Pac man arcade game, 2 weed eater, a Lawn mower and that tonka Truck 254-433-6604 

Looking for a riding mower and a weed eater and has a 8 month old double Merle Catahoula Leopard female



2 working toilets for sale at 254-631-8805 

2 push mowers for sale and a gas weed eater for sale and Avon bottles for sale 254-433-6963 



Hay for sale and a bass boat for sale with the cover and has been kept in the garage its in very good condition and is a 24 horse Johnson motor 254-734-5273 

17 foot bass boat 3500 817-676-1554 ask for Richard 

2 American Bulldogs at 707 West Commerce 



Top Cut Tree Service Call James, Tree Work, small demolition projects 254-271-9607 

Yard sale on Saturday 20th 612 W. Patterson in Eastland 7AM or 8AM start until sold out. 

Lawn Mower engine and a pressure washer for sale 254-243-0831 

Do you have a junk car or Pickup sitting around?



Looking for a cook stove that’s working 254-210-1532 or 254-210-1632 

Honda Gold Wing Motorcycle it’s a 997 – Trailer 2000 254-631-8223 

He can haul Junk metal off 254-264-9820



*** A boy dog found dumped & they need a good home for him 325-480-6464 

*** Claw foot bathtub for sale 100 3 x diapers for sale and looking for size large of adult diapers 

*** Yard sale 503 oak wood drive Eastland Saturday only 7AM- 3PM 

*** Looking for some tires 215/60/15 call or text



Brand new computer and printer 254-433-0272 

John Deer hand wheel hayrake new condition, new haul seven disc hay cutter good condition, motor boat 25 horsepower 254-734-5273 

Junk Metal haul off, 254-264-9820 

Huge animal cage made of wood and wire, made for birds, squires, quails, 7-8 foot tall $75,



Daugherty street church of Christ July 21st-24th VBS

James at Top Cut tree services 254-271-9607 

Needing to find home for 4 cha-weenies 254-334-9108 

3 or 4 baby kittens to give away for free 254-271-9971 

Clawfoot bathtub 254-210-2543 

We will have a meeting at Outdoor Specialties for the



14 gun gun safe 150 and a few tree stands and a Lawrance fish finder 432-894-1887 

Window units for sale ones a 110 and one 220 254-488-0299 

Vbs river rafter July the 24-26th 

Round bales of hay 75 dollars a piece in carbon 254-334-8263 

Pacman game, a



Arcade game and a AC for sale 254-433-6604 

Troybuilt riding mower for sale 254-488-0139 

2 American bulldogs 707 west commerce 

Do you have a car or pickup sitting around? Call Bill Patton at 254-631-6591 He can come pick them up for you. 254-631-6591 

Needing to find someone
