Lost choc lab puppy with orange collar with orange light on it. Last seen at la mancha and dam please call 254-631-1012
Lf apartment to rent or room. Call 325-276-1254
Cedar fence stays for sale. 1 dollar. 254-647-0508
Lot of moving boxes for ga. Broken down. Aero blow up queen size bed. Call 254-629-3909
House located at 501 elm st in ranger. Large house on two lots with large pecan trees. Good location rent to own. Fixer upper. 254-647-5296
Qt jars for sale. Crochet knitting yarn and two incubaters with turners 631-8805
Happy birthday orson silva on the 10th
francie robinette happy anniversary
97 suburban 4×4 clean in and out. More info call 2546317093
1998 dutchman travel camper. One slide. Texas grown small bales of alfalfa hay. 254-442-3255
Lf someone that can do 647-5399
Guineas and baby chicks for sale. California white and mini rex bunnies make an offer. 433-1733
** Work out low impact stationary machine 50 dollars. 254-631-4489
*** lake home 3 bedroom 2 bath on lake leon 3 large lots over 100 yards of waterfront property. Very nice. Lake leon.com or 254-488-1649
**** property for sale located 3 miles out of town. 50 acres cross fenced with approximately 20 acres for costal and remaining has nice trimmed trees throughout. 2500 per acre. 254-488-1649
Lf a Gibson acoustic guitar. Or martin. 325-201-8820
**garage sale Frida and Saturday 8-? Located at 602 pine st in ranger. No early birds lots and lots of stuff
19 in tube type tv with rolling stand best offer call 631-7939
Happy birthday to Jason wetstone on the 12th
Happy birthday tomorrow to Makayla
Property in cisco on west side by the new stripes. Two workshops on .5 acre 817-925-4656
Happy birthday to sky brown
Computer for sale with windows vista. Girls bike for sale. 91 chevy van. Cd player and tv inside 2 new tires. Pool table 9 ft regulation. 254-647-3512 254-433-9929
Happy birthday to jesse ramierez on the 10th
3 bedroom house for rent in eastland with stove and washer dryer connections. 525 per month. 817-360-8659
Lf bikes for kids to fix them up or lawnmowers that aren’t working. 254-488-0089
Snapper riding mower 28 in cut new blade and battery 433-1838
Lf a Gibson acoustic guitar. Or martin 631-6472 guitars and accordians for sale. Grill guard for early chevy pickup. Chrome.
2006 mini chopper for sale. 325-899-9103