

Lf efficiency apt or room for rent. 325-276-1254

Infant seat and toddler car seat for 50 pack and play for 35 and little girls princess toddler bed frame for 50 with comforter set. 442-1025

Lf Samsung galaxy s3 cell phone for cell. 940-549-2885

Mini rex bunnies. California white bunnies as well. Hens 4 red one white. Reasonable on all. 433-1733

Lf chainlink fencing and post please call 254-488-1467

***Garage sale thurs Frida and Saturday ct rd 459. Go all around the swimming pool and see the signs

In cisco. Items for ga chirstmas tree. Baby bed. Antiques. Ccandy molds. Lots of odds and ends. 254-433*4935

In cisco used dishawasher and builtin microwave for over the stove. Coutner top with sink and faucet. 442-3424

Almost brand newgirls bike for sale. Asking 65 for it. Luggage carrier for top of a car. 50 for it. 325-513-4818

For sale. 20 packacges of adult pullups 8176942675

Large house on rent to own basis in ranger 254-647-5296

Samuel cruz happy 6th birthday from the family

Lf yard work. 254-433-0752 painting or anything

Baby ducks for sale. Week or two weeks .baby guineas. Roosters 8 weeks old. 254-488-2736

432-631-6191 dustin tatro

Lf a washing machine for parts. 254-488-1467

In need of a baby stroller